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Local care worker commits to walking 10 miles per day in 2021

Amanda Baldwin will walk 3,650 miles in 2021 to fundraise for Marmalade Trust! Through walking an incredible 10 miles every day this year, Amanda hopes to raise almost £2,000 for our charity.

Amanda says: “I took on this epic challenge to improve on my fitness levels and to raise vital funds for my local charity at the same time.”

“The work Marmalade Trust does is very important to me. As a mobile beauty therapist and care worker, I regularly meet lonely or socially isolated clients first-hand - those who don't see anyone for weeks or months and rely on people like me to visit them and provide help and much-needed company. Doing this walk and raising money for Marmalade Trust is giving me satisfaction that people experiencing loneliness out there will get the vital help and support needed - a very good feel-factor for me!” Amanda has managed to keep on track with her 10 miles a day target despite battling multiple blisters, a stomach bug, a stinking cold, and working two jobs!

Marmalade Trust is the UK’s leading loneliness charity for all ages and the only charity in the world specifically dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness. We are a small charity with a big mission, and we are very grateful for the support of passionate fundraisers such as Amanda.

We’re unique in that we focus locally on practical support, but have expanded nationally and globally to help raise awareness of loneliness, with our annual Loneliness Awareness Week campaign (LAW). Our Bristol-based projects include our Marmalade Companion project (including social prescribing), Christmas Day events for those who would otherwise spend the day alone, and get-togethers. Covid-19 has meant the effects of loneliness have been more far-reaching than ever before. Our work has never been more important.

Amy Perrin, CEO and founder of Marmalade Trust, says: “We are very grateful that Amanda is taking on such a fantastic challenge to help us fund our important work. She is doing an incredible job in keeping up with her target, and we’re cheering her on as we head into the darker, colder months ahead! Money raised from the event will help us continue to make a tangible, positive difference to some of the individuals most affected by loneliness in our community.”

To sponsor Amanda, click here to visit her fundraising page online. You can also follow her on Instagram for regular updates.


Keen to take on a fundraising challenge of your own? Fundraising for our charity can be a really fun and rewarding experience, a chance to take on a challenge and make the world a better place at the same time! Whether it's a coffee morning, afternoon tea, virtual quiz night, marathon or skydive, every penny counts!


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